9. Using Qgis¶

Other kind of functions are pl/pgsql. As applications requirements become more complex, using previously defined functions becomes necessary.
Chapter Contents
9.1. Set Up QGIS¶
Graphs have a set of edges and set of vertices associated to it.
osm2pgrouting provides the ways_vertices_pgr table which is associated with
the ways table.
When a subset of edges is used like in vehicle_net
or in small_net
the set of vertices associated to each one must be used in order to, for example,
locate the nearest vertex to a lat/lon location.
Launch QGIS from
and select from the menu bar.Note
The location of QGIS may vary.
The workshop instructions are based on QGIS 2.14 Essen
Close the broswer pannel
Connect to a posgGIS enabeled potsgreSQL database clicking on
Create a new connection clicking on
Fill the information and test the connection
Name city_routing
Host localhost
Port 5432
Database city_routing
User name user
Password user
Allow qgis to remember login and password
9.2. Add a postGIS Layer¶
and a list of tables and views from the database will show.It is necessaary to select the column that has a distinct unique value:
on the routing viewsgid
on the data views