6. Advanced Routing Queries


Routing, is not limited to pedestrians and most of the time is used for routing vehicles.

6.1. Routing for Vehicles

A query for vehicle routing generally differs from routing for pedestrians:

  • the road segments are considered directed,
  • Costs can be:
    • Distance
    • Time
    • Euros
    • Pesos
    • Dollars
    • CO2 emittions
    • Ware and tear on the vehicle, etc.
  • the reverse_cost attribute must be taken into account on two way streets.

This is due to the fact that there are roads that are “one way”.

Depending on the geometry, the valid way:

  • (source, target) segment (cost >= 0 and reverse_cost < 0)
  • (target, source) segment (cost < 0 and reverse_cost >= 0)

So a “wrong way” is indicated with a negative value and is not inserted in the graph for processing.

For two way roads cost >= 0 and reverse_cost >= 0 and their values can be different. For example, it is faster going down hill on a sloped road. In general cost and reverse_cost do not need to be length; they can be almost anything, for example time, slope, surface, road type, etc., or they can be a combination of multiple parameters.

The following queries indicate the number of road segments, where a “one way” rule applies:

  1. Number of (source, target) segments with cost < 0

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM ways
    WHERE cost < 0;
    (1 row)
  2. Number of (target, source) segments with reverse_cost < 0

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM ways
    WHERE reverse_cost < 0;
    (1 row)

6.1.1. Exercise 7 - Vehicle routing - Going

From the Venue, going to the Brewry by car.

From the Venue, going to the Brewry by car
  • The vehicle is going from vertex 3986 to vertex 13009.
  • Use cost and reverse_cost columns, which are in unit degrees.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         cost_s AS cost,
         reverse_cost_s AS reverse_cost
        FROM ways',
    3986, 13009,
    directed := true);

Solution to Exercise 7

6.1.2. Exercise 8 - Vehicle routing - Returning

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by car.

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by car
  • The vehicle is going from vertex 13009 to vertex 3986.
  • Use cost and reverse_cost columns, which are in unit degrees.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         cost_s AS cost,
         reverse_cost_s AS reverse_cost
        FROM ways',
    13009, 3986, directed := true);

Solution to Exercise 8


On a directed graph, going and coming back routes, most of the time are different.

6.1.3. Exercise 9 - Vehicle routing when “time is money”

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by taxi. Fee: $100/hour

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by car
  • The vehicle is going from vertex 13009 to vertex 3986.
  • The cost is $100 per hour.
  • Use cost_s and reverse_cost_s columns, which are in unit seconds.
  • The duration in hours is cost / 3600
  • The cost in $ is cost / 3600 * 100
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra('
    SELECT gid AS id,
        cost_s / 3600 * 100 AS cost,
        reverse_cost_s / 3600 * 100 AS reverse_cost
        FROM ways',
     13009, 3986);

Solution to Exercise 9


Comparing with Exercise 8:

  • The total number of records are identical
  • The node sequence is identical
  • The edge sequence is identical
  • The cost and agg_cost results are directly proportional

6.2. Cost Manipulations

Detail. Not all crossings are vertices in the graph

When dealing with data, being aware of what kind of data is being used, can improve results. Vehciles can not circulate pedestrian ways, likewise, routing not using pedestrian ways will make the results closer to reality.

When converting data from OSM format using the osm2pgrouting tool, there are two additional tables: osm_way_types and osm_way_classes:


SELECT * FROM osm_way_types ORDER BY type_id;
 type_id |   name    
       1 | highway
       2 | cycleway
       3 | tracktype
       4 | junction
(4 rows)


SELECT * FROM osm_way_classes ORDER BY class_id;
 class_id | type_id |       name        | priority | default_maxspeed 
      100 |       1 | road              |        0 |               50
      101 |       1 | motorway          |        0 |               50
      102 |       1 | motorway_link     |        0 |               50
      103 |       1 | motorway_junction |        0 |               50
      104 |       1 | trunk             |        0 |               50
      105 |       1 | trunk_link        |        0 |               50
      106 |       1 | primary           |        0 |               50
      107 |       1 | primary_link      |        0 |               50
      108 |       1 | secondary         |        0 |               50
      109 |       1 | tertiary          |        0 |               50
      110 |       1 | residential       |        0 |               50
      111 |       1 | living_street     |        0 |               50
      112 |       1 | service           |        0 |               50
      113 |       1 | track             |        0 |               50
      114 |       1 | pedestrian        |        0 |               50
      115 |       1 | services          |        0 |               50
      116 |       1 | bus_guideway      |        0 |               50
      117 |       1 | path              |        0 |               50
      118 |       1 | cycleway          |        0 |               50
      119 |       1 | footway           |        0 |               50
      120 |       1 | bridleway         |        0 |               50
      121 |       1 | byway             |        0 |               50
      122 |       1 | steps             |        0 |               50
      123 |       1 | unclassified      |        0 |               50
      124 |       1 | secondary_link    |        0 |               50
      125 |       1 | tertiary_link     |        0 |               50
      201 |       2 | lane              |        0 |               50
      202 |       2 | track             |        0 |               50
      203 |       2 | opposite_lane     |        0 |               50
      204 |       2 | opposite          |        0 |               50
      301 |       3 | grade1            |        0 |               50
      302 |       3 | grade2            |        0 |               50
      303 |       3 | grade3            |        0 |               50
      304 |       3 | grade4            |        0 |               50
      305 |       3 | grade5            |        0 |               50
      401 |       4 | roundabout        |        0 |               50
(36 rows)

In this workshop, costs are going to be manipulated using the osm_way_classes tables.

6.2.1. Exercise 10 - Vehicle routing with access restrictions

From the Brewry, going to the Venue, vehicle can not take pedestrian roads.

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by car
  • The vehicle is going from vertex 13009 to vertex 3986.
  • The vehicle’s cost in this case will be in seconds.
  • Pedestrian ways will not be inserted by setting cost and reverse_cost to a negative value
  • Use CASE to assign the negative value.
  • cost and reverse_cost must have the same CASE
  • There is no need to rebuild the network.


CASE statements are like switch statements in other languages

SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra($$
    SELECT gid AS id,
            WHEN c.name IN ('pedestrian','steps','footway') THEN -1
            ELSE cost_s
        END AS cost,
            WHEN c.name IN ('pedestrian','steps','footway') THEN -1
            ELSE reverse_cost_s
        END AS reverse_cost
        FROM ways JOIN osm_way_classes AS c
        USING (class_id)$$,
    13009, 3986);

Solution to Exercise 10


Comparing with Exercise 9:

  • The total number of records changed.
  • The node sequence changed.
  • The edge sequence changed.

6.2.2. Exercise 11 - Vehicle routing with penalization

From the Brewry, going to the Venue with penalization.

From the Brewry, going to the Venue by car

Change the cost values for the osm_way_classes table, in such a way, that the use of “faster” roads is encouraged.

  • Creating an addition column penalty
  • The penalty values can be changed UPDATE queries.
ALTER TABLE osm_way_classes ADD COLUMN penalty FLOAT;
-- No penalty
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=1;
-- Not including pedestrian ways
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=-1.0 WHERE name IN ('pedestrian','steps','footway');
-- Penalizing with double costs
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=1.5 WHERE name IN ('cicleway','living_street','path');
-- Encuraging the use of "fast" roads
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=0.8 WHERE name IN ('secondary','tertiary');
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=0.6 WHERE name IN ('primary','primary_link');
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=0.4 WHERE name IN ('trunk','trunk_link');
UPDATE osm_way_classes SET penalty=0.3 WHERE name IN ('motorway','motorway_junction','motorway_link');
  • The vehicle is going from vertex 13009 to vertex 3986.
  • Use cost_s and reverse_cost_s columns, which are in unit seconds.
  • Costs are to be multiplied by penalty
  • The osm_way_classes table is linked with the ways table by the class_id field using a JOIN.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra('
    SELECT gid AS id,
        cost_s * penalty AS cost,
        reverse_cost_s * penalty AS reverse_cost
    FROM ways JOIN osm_way_classes
    USING (class_id)',
    13009, 3986);

Solution to Exercise 11


Comparing with Exercise 9:

  • The total number of records changed.
  • The node sequence changed.
  • The edge sequence changed.