5. pgRouting Algorithms


pgRouting was first called pgDijkstra, because it implemented only shortest path search with Dijkstra algorithm. Later other functions were added and the library was renamed to pgRouting.

5.1. pgr_dijkstra

Dijkstra algorithm was the first algorithm implemented in pgRouting. It doesn’t require other attributes than id, source and target ID and cost. You can specify when to consider the graph as directed or undirected.

Signature Summary

pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vid)
pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vid  [, directed])
pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vids [, directed])
pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql, start_vids, end_vid  [, directed])
pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql, start_vids, end_vids [, directed])

RETURNS SET OF (seq, path_seq [, start_vid] [, end_vid], node, edge, cost, agg_cost)

Description of the parameters can be found in pgr_dijkstra.


  • Many pgRouting functions have sql::text as one of their arguments. While this may look confusing at first, it makes the functions very flexible as the user can pass any SELECT statement as function argument as long as the returned result contains the required number of attributes and the correct attribute names.
  • Most of pgRouting implemeted algorithms do not require the network geometry.
  • Most of pgRouting functions do not return a geometry, but only an ordered list of nodes or edges.

Identifiers for the Queries

The assignment of the vertices identifiers on the source and target columns may be different, the following exercises will use the results of this query. For the workshop, some locations of the FOSS4G Boston event are going to be used. These locations are within this area http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/42.3526/-71.0502


Connect to the database with if not connected:

psql city_routing
SELECT osm_id, id FROM ways_vertices_pgr
    WHERE osm_id IN (61350413, 61441749, 61479912, 61493634, 1718017636, 2481136250)
    ORDER BY osm_id;

     osm_id   |  id
     61350413 |  3986
     61441749 |  4793
     61479912 | 13009
     61493634 | 12235
   1718017636 |  9411
   2481136250 |  8401
  (6 rows)
  • 61350413 is the entrance to the venue, at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center with id = 3986.
  • 61441749 is the Central Parking at the Airport with id = 4793
  • 61479912 is the Harpoon Brewery with id = 13009
  • 61493634 is the Market Place with id = 12235
  • 1718017636 is the Westin Boston Waterfront with id = 9411
  • 2481136250 is the New England Aquarium with id = 8401

The corresponding id are shown in the following image, and a sample route from the venue to the airport:


5.1.1. Exercise 1 - Single pedestrian routing.

Walking from the Westin hotel to the Venue

From the Westin, going to the Venue
  • The pedestrian wants to go from vertex 9411 to vertex 3986.
  • The pedestrian’s cost is in terms of length. In this case length, which was calculated by osm2pgrouting, is in unit degrees.
  • From a pedestrian perspective the graph is undirected, that is, the pedestrian can move in both directions on all segments.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         length AS cost
        FROM ways',
    9411, 3986,
    directed := false);

Solution to Exercise 1


  • The returned cost attribute represents the cost specified in the inner SQL query (edges_sql::text argument). In this example cost is length in unit “degrees”. Cost may be time, distance or any combination of both or any other attributes or a custom formula.
  • node and edge results may vary depending on the assignment of the identifiers to the vertices given by osm2pgrouting.

5.1.2. Exercise 2 - Many Pedestrians going to the same destination.

Walking from the Westin and Seaport hotels to the brewry (in meters).

From the hotels, going to/from the brewry
  • The pedestrians are located at vertices 3986, 9411.
  • All pedestrians want to go to vertex 13009.
  • The cost to be in meters using attribute length_m.
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         length_m AS cost
        FROM ways',
    ARRAY[3986, 9411], 13009,
    directed := false);

Solution to Exercise 2

5.1.3. Exercise 3 - Many Pedestrians departing from the same location.

Walking back to the hotels after having the beer (in seconds).

From the hotels, going to/from the brewry
  • All pedestrians are starting from vertex 13009.
  • Pedestrians want to go to locations 3986, 9411.
  • The cost to be in seconds, with a walking speed s = 1.3 m/s and t = d/s
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         length_m / 1.3 AS cost
        FROM ways',
    13009, ARRAY[3986, 9411],
    directed := false);

Solution to Exercise 3

5.1.4. Exercise 4 - Many Pedestrians going to different destinations.

Walking from the hotels to the Market and to the Aquarium (in minutes).

From the hotels, to sighseen
  • The hotels are located at vertices 3986, 9411.
  • Pedestrians want to go to destinations 8401, 12235.
  • The cost to be in minutes, with a walking speed s = 1.3 m/s and t = d/s
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         length_m / 1.3 / 60 AS cost
        FROM ways',
    ARRAY[3986, 9411],
    ARRAY[8401, 12235],
    directed := false);

Solution to Exercise 4


Inspecting the results, looking for totals (edge = -1):

  • Going to vertex 8401:
    • from 3986 takes 23.4190755088423 minutes (row 42)
    • from 9411 takes 26.7078952983972 minutes (row 125)
  • Going to to vertex 12235:
    • from 3986 takes 23.9778917105248 minutes (row 83)
    • from 9411 takes 26.7679707128945 minutes (row 167)

5.2. pgr_dijkstraCost

When the main goal is to calculate the total cost, without “inspecting” the pgr_dijkstra results, using pgr_dijkstraCost returns a more compact result.

Signature Summary

pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vid)
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vid,  directed)
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, start_vid,  end_vids, directed)
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, start_vids, end_vid,  directed)
pgr_dijkstraCost(edges_sql, start_vids, end_vids, directed)

RETURNS SET OF (start_vid, end_vid, agg_cost)

Description of the parameters can be found in pgr_dijkstraCost

5.2.1. Exercise 5 - Many Pedestrians going to different destinations returning aggregate costs.

From the hotels, to sighseen

Walking from the hotels to the Market and to the Aquarium (get only the cost in minutes).

  • The hotels are located at vertices 3986, 9411.
  • Pedestrians want to go to destinations 8401, 12235.
  • The cost to be in minutes, with a walking speed s = 1.3 m/s and t = d/s
  • Result as aggregated costs.
FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
         length_m  / 1.3 / 60 AS cost
        FROM ways',
    ARRAY[3986, 9411],
    ARRAY[8401, 12235],
    directed := false);

Solution to Exercise 5

Compare with Exercise 4 ‘s note.

5.2.2. Exercise 6 - Many Pedestrians going to different destinations sumirizes the total costs per destination.

Walking from the hotels to the Market and to the Aquarium (sumirize cost in minutes).

  • The hotels are located at vertices 3986, 9411.
  • Pedestrians want to go to destinations 8401, 12235.
  • The cost to be in minutes, with a walking speed s = 1.3 m/s and t = d/s
  • Result adds the costs per destination.
SELECT end_vid, sum(agg_cost)
FROM pgr_dijkstraCost(
    'SELECT gid AS id,
    length_m  / 1.3 / 60 AS cost
    FROM ways',
    ARRAY[3986, 9411],
    ARRAY[8401, 12235],
    directed := false)
GROUP BY end_vid
ORDER BY end_vid;

Solution to Exercise 6


An interpretation of the result can be: In general, it is slightly faster to go to the Aquarium from any of the hotels.