To be able to use pgRouting, data has to be imported into a database.
This chapter covers:
Since version 2.0 pgRouting functions are installed as extension. This requires:
These requirements are met, then open a terminal window ctrl-alt-t
follow the instructions:
If OSGeo Live is not being used.
OSGeo Live’s account is user
. To easily use the workshop when not using
OSGeo Live this extra steps are needed:
# login to postgres
psql -U postgres
# Create "user"
# exit psql
Create a pgRouting compatible database.
# login as user "user"
psql -U user
-- create routing database
CREATE DATABASE city_routing;
\c city_routing
-- add PostGIS functions
-- add pgRouting functions
-- Inspect the pgRouting installation
\dx+ pgRouting
-- View pgRouting version
SELECT pgr_version();
# exit psql
The pgRouting workshop will make use of OpenStreetMap data, which is already
available on OSGeo Live. This workshop will use the
city data.
Make a directory for pgRouting data manipulation
mkdir ~/Desktop/workshop
cd ~/Desktop/workshop
When using OSGeo Live
cp ~/data/osm/$CITY.osm.bz2 .
bunzip2 $CITY.osm.bz2
Download data form OSGeo Live website
wget -N --progress=dot:mega \
bunzip2 $CITY.osm.bz2
Download using Overpass XAPI.
wget --progress=dot:mega -O "$CITY.osm" "*[bbox=${BBOX}][@meta]"
More information how to download OpenStreetMap information can be found in
An alternative for very large areas is to use the download services of Geofabrik.
The next step is to run osm2pgrouting
converter, which is a command line
tool that inserts your data into your database.
For this workshop:
configuration filecity_routing
database installed above.~/Desktop/workshop/BONN_DE.osm
(see: Get the Workshop Data)From a terminal window ctrl-alt-t
Run the converter:
cd ~/Desktop/workshop
osm2pgrouting \
-f BONN_DE.osm \
-d city_routing \
-U user
Execution starts at: Sun Jul 3 17:45:12 2016
Filename = BONN_DE.osm
Configuration file = /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml
host = localhost
port = 5432
dbname = pgrouting-workshop
username = user
password =
prefix =
suffix =
Don't drop tables
Don't add nodes
Connecting to the database
host=localhost user=user dbname=pgrouting-workshop port=5432
connection success
Opening configuration file: /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml
Parsing configuration
Opening data file: BONN_DE.osm
Parsing data
Spliting ways
Creating tables...
Creating 'ways_vertices_pgr': OK
Adding Geometry: Creating 'ways': OK
Adding Geometry: Creating 'relations_ways': OK
Creating 'osm_nodes': OK
Adding Geometry: Creating 'osm_relations': OK
Creating 'osm_way_tags': OK
Creating 'osm_way_types': OK
Creating 'osm_way_classes': OK
Adding auxiliary tables to database...
Processing 4 way types: Inserted 4 way types
Processing way's classes: Inserted 36 way's classes
Processing way's relations: Inserted: 83874way's relations
Processing way's tags: Inserted 22055 way's tags
Processing 21086 ways:
Vertices inserted 16412 Ways inserted: 21086
Creating topology...
size of streets: 10340
size of split ways : 21086
Execution started at: Sun Jul 3 17:45:12 2016
Execution ended at: Sun Jul 3 17:45:16 2016
Elapsed time: 4.611 Seconds.
User CPU time: -> 1.64268
Run: psql -U user -d city_routing -c "\d"
If everything went well the result should look like this:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | geography_columns | view | user
public | geometry_columns | view | user
public | osm_nodes | table | user
public | osm_nodes_node_id_seq | sequence | user
public | osm_relations | table | user
public | osm_way_classes | table | user
public | osm_way_tags | table | user
public | osm_way_types | table | user
public | raster_columns | view | user
public | raster_overviews | view | user
public | relations_ways | table | user
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | user
public | ways | table | user
public | ways_gid_seq | sequence | user
public | ways_vertices_pgr | table | user
public | ways_vertices_pgr_id_seq | sequence | user
(16 rows)