5. pgRouting Algorithms

pgRouting was first called pgDijkstra, because it implemented only shortest path search with Dijkstra algorithm. Later other functions were added and the library was renamed.


This chapter will explain selected pgRouting algorithms and which attributes are required.


If you run osm2pgrouting tool to import OpenStreetMap data, the ways table contains all attributes already to run all shortest path functions. The ways table of the pgrouting-workshop database of the previous chapter is missing several attributes instead, which are listed as Prerequisites in this chapter.

5.1. Shortest Path Dijkstra

Dijkstra algorithm was the first algorithm implemented in pgRouting. It doesn’t require other attributes than source and target ID, id attribute and cost. It can distinguish between directed and undirected graphs. You can specify if your network has reverse cost or not.


To be able to use reverse cost you need to add an additional cost column. We can set reverse cost as length.

ALTER TABLE ways ADD COLUMN reverse_cost double precision;
UPDATE ways SET reverse_cost = length;


Returns a set of pgr_costResult (seq, id1, id2, cost) rows, that make up a path.

pgr_costResult[] pgr_dijkstra(text sql, integer source, integer target, boolean directed, boolean has_rcost);



a SQL query, which should return a set of rows with the following columns:

SELECT id, source, target, cost [,reverse_cost] FROM edge_table
id:int4 identifier of the edge
source:int4 identifier of the source vertex
target:int4 identifier of the target vertex
cost:float8 value, of the edge traversal cost. A negative cost will prevent the edge from being inserted in the graph.
reverse_cost:(optional) the cost for the reverse traversal of the edge. This is only used when the directed and has_rcost parameters are true (see the above remark about negative costs).

int4 id of the start point


int4 id of the end point


true if the graph is directed


if true, the reverse_cost column of the SQL generated set of rows will be used for the cost of the traversal of the edge in the opposite direction.

Returns set of pgr_costResult:

seq:row sequence
id1:node ID
id2:edge ID (-1 for the last row)
cost:cost to traverse from id1 using id2


  • Many pgRouting functions have sql::text as one of their arguments. While this may look confusing at first, it makes the functions very flexible as the user can pass any SELECT statement as function argument as long as the returned result contains the required number of attributes and the correct attribute names.
  • Dijkstra algorithm does not require the network geometry.
  • The function does not return a geometry, but only an ordered list of nodes.

Example query

pgr_costResult is a common result type used by several pgRouting functions. In the case of pgr_dijkstra the first column is a sequential ID, followed by node ID, edge ID and cost to pass this edge.

SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         length::double precision AS cost
                        FROM ways',
                30, 60, false, false);

Query result

 seq | node | edge |        cost
   0 |   30 |   53 |  0.0591267653820616
   1 |   44 |   52 |  0.0665408320949312
   2 |   14 |   15 |  0.0809556879332114
   6 |   10 | 6869 |  0.0164274192597773
   7 |   59 |   72 |  0.0109385169537801
   8 |   60 |   -1 |                   0
(9 rows)


  • With more complex SQL statements, using JOINs for example, the result may be in a wrong order. In that case ORDER BY seq will ensure that the path is in the right order again.
  • The returned cost attribute represents the cost specified in the sql::text argument. In this example cost is length in unit “kilometers”. Cost may be time, distance or any combination of both or any other attributes or a custom formula.

5.2. Shortest Path A*

A-Star algorithm is another well-known routing algorithm. It adds geographical information to source and target of each network link. This enables the routing query to prefer links which are closer to the target of the shortest path search.


For A-Star you need to prepare your network table and add latitute/longitude columns (x1, y1 and x2, y2) and calculate their values.

ALTER TABLE ways ADD COLUMN x1 double precision;
ALTER TABLE ways ADD COLUMN y1 double precision;
ALTER TABLE ways ADD COLUMN x2 double precision;
ALTER TABLE ways ADD COLUMN y2 double precision;

UPDATE ways SET x1 = ST_x(ST_PointN(the_geom, 1));
UPDATE ways SET y1 = ST_y(ST_PointN(the_geom, 1));

UPDATE ways SET x2 = ST_x(ST_PointN(the_geom, ST_NumPoints(the_geom)));
UPDATE ways SET y2 = ST_y(ST_PointN(the_geom, ST_NumPoints(the_geom)));


  • A bug in a previous version of PostGIS didn’t allow the use of ST_startpoint or ST_endpoint.
  • From PostGIS 2.x ST_startpoint and ST_endpoint are only valid for LINESTRING geometry type and will fail with MULTILINESTING.

Therefor a slightly more difficult looking query is used. If the network data really contains multi-geomtery linestrings the query might give the wrong start and end point. But in general data has been imported as MULTILINESTING even if it only contains LINESTRING geometries.


Shortest Path A-Star function is very similar to the Dijkstra function, though it prefers links that are close to the target of the search. The heuristics of this search are predefined, so you need to recompile pgRouting if you want to make changes to the heuristic function itself.

Returns a set of pgr_costResult (seq, id1, id2, cost) rows, that make up a path.

pgr_costResult[] pgr_astar(sql text, source integer, target integer, directed boolean, has_rcost boolean);



a SQL query, which should return a set of rows with the following columns:

SELECT id, source, target, cost, x1, y1, x2, y2 [,reverse_cost] FROM edge_table
id:int4 identifier of the edge
source:int4 identifier of the source vertex
target:int4 identifier of the target vertex
cost:float8 value, of the edge traversal cost. A negative cost will prevent the edge from being inserted in the graph.
x1:x coordinate of the start point of the edge
y1:y coordinate of the start point of the edge
x2:x coordinate of the end point of the edge
y2:y coordinate of the end point of the edge
reverse_cost:(optional) the cost for the reverse traversal of the edge. This is only used when the directed and has_rcost parameters are true (see the above remark about negative costs).

int4 id of the start point


int4 id of the end point


true if the graph is directed


if true, the reverse_cost column of the SQL generated set of rows will be used for the cost of the traversal of the edge in the opposite direction.

Returns set of pgr_costResult:

seq:row sequence
id1:node ID
id2:edge ID (-1 for the last row)
cost:cost to traverse from id1 using id2

Example query

SELECT seq, id1 AS node, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_astar('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         length::double precision AS cost,
                         x1, y1, x2, y2
                        FROM ways',
                30, 60, false, false);

Query result

 seq | node | edge |        cost
   0 |   30 |   53 |  0.0591267653820616
   1 |   44 |   52 |  0.0665408320949312
   2 |   14 |   15 |  0.0809556879332114
   6 |   10 | 6869 |  0.0164274192597773
   7 |   59 |   72 |  0.0109385169537801
   8 |   60 |   -1 |                   0
(9 rows)


  • The result of Dijkstra and A-Star are the same, which should be the case.
  • A-Star is supposed to be faster than Dijkstra algorithm as the network size is getting larger. But in case of pgRouting the algorithm speed advantage does not matter really compared the time required to select the network data and build the graph.

5.3. Multiple Shortest Paths with kDijkstra

The kDijkstra functions are very similar to the Dijkstra function but they allow to set multiple destinations with a single function call.


kDijkstra doesn’t require additional attributes to Dijkstra algorithm.


If the main goal is to calculate the total cost, for example to calculate multiple routes for a distance matrix, then pgr_kdijkstraCost returns a more compact result. In case the paths are important pgr_kdijkstraPath function returns a result similar to A* or Dijkstra for each destination.

Both functions return a set of pgr_costResult (seq, id1, id2, cost) rows, that summarize the path cost or return the paths.

pgr_costResult[] pgr_kdijkstraCost(text sql, integer source,
                 integer[] targets, boolean directed, boolean has_rcost);

pgr_costResult[] pgr_kdijkstraPath(text sql, integer source,
                 integer[] targets, boolean directed, boolean has_rcost);



a SQL query, which should return a set of rows with the following columns:

SELECT id, source, target, cost [,reverse_cost] FROM edge_table
id:int4 identifier of the edge
source:int4 identifier of the source vertex
target:int4 identifier of the target vertex
cost:float8 value, of the edge traversal cost. A negative cost will prevent the edge from being inserted in the graph.
reverse_cost:(optional) the cost for the reverse traversal of the edge. This is only used when the directed and has_rcost parameters are true (see the above remark about negative costs).

int4 id of the start point


int4[] an array of ids of the end points


true if the graph is directed


if true, the reverse_cost column of the SQL generated set of rows will be used for the cost of the traversal of the edge in the opposite direction.

pgr_kdijkstraCost returns set of pgr_costResult:

seq:row sequence
id1:path vertex source id (this will always be source start point in the query).
id2:path vertex target id
cost:cost to traverse the path from id1 to id2. Cost will be -1.0 if there is no path to that target vertex id.

pgr_kdijkstraPath returns set of pgr_costResult:

seq:row sequence
id1:path vertex target id (identifies the target path).
id2:path edge id
cost:cost to traverse this edge or -1.0 if there is no path to this target

Example query pgr_kdijkstraCost

SELECT seq, id1 AS source, id2 AS target, cost FROM pgr_kdijkstraCost('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         length::double precision AS cost
                        FROM ways',
                10, array[60,70,80], false, false);

Query result

 seq | source | target |       cost
   0 |     10 |     60 | 13.4770181770774
   1 |     10 |     70 | 16.9231630493294
   2 |     10 |     80 | 17.7035050077573
(3 rows)

Example query pgr_kdijkstraPath

SELECT seq, id1 AS path, id2 AS edge, cost FROM pgr_kdijkstraPath('
                SELECT gid AS id,
                         length::double precision AS cost
                        FROM ways',
                10, array[60,70,80], false, false);

Query result

 seq | path | edge |        cost
   0 |   60 | 3163 |   0.427103399132954
   1 |   60 | 2098 |   0.441091435851107
  40 |   60 |   56 |  0.0452819891352444
  41 |   70 | 3163 |   0.427103399132954
  42 |   70 | 2098 |   0.441091435851107
 147 |   80 |  226 |  0.0730263299529259
 148 |   80 |  227 |  0.0741906229622583
(149 rows)

There are many other functions available with the new pgRouting 2.0 release, but most of them work in a similar way, and it would take too much time to mention them all in this workshop. For the complete list of pgRouting functions see the API documentation: http://docs.pgrouting.org/

Table Of Contents

Previous topic

4. Create a Network Topology

Next topic

6. osm2pgrouting Import Tool


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