2. Ejemplos del Internet

Ejemplo de Hanoslav

pgRouting puede resolver el problema de ejemplo como el que se muestra a continuación (picture from hanoslav.net)

SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1_vertices;
CREATE TABLE table1_vertices (
    name TEXT

    id SERIAL,
    source INTEGER REFERENCES table1_vertices(vid),
    target INTEGER REFERENCES table1_vertices(vid),
    cost FLOAT

INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Seatle');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('San Francisco');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Las Vegas');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Los Angeles');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Denver');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Minneapolis');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Dallas');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Chicago');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Washington D.C.');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Boston');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Nueva York');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('Miami');

INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 1,  2, 1306);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 1,  5, 2161);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 1,  6, 2661);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 2,  3,  919);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 2,  4,  629);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 3,  4,  435);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 3,  5, 1225);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 3,  7, 1983);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 5,  6, 1483);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 5,  7, 1258);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 6,  7, 1532);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 6,  8,  661);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 7,  9, 2113);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 7, 12, 2161);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 8,  9, 1145);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 8, 10, 1613);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 9, 10,  725);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 9, 11,  383);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES ( 9, 12, 1709);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES (10, 11,  338);
INSERT INTO table1 (source, target, cost) VALUES (11, 12, 2145);

SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE;

-- Their output starts with 0 so we subtract 1 to the vid
-- pgrouting: no paths or 0 length (aka I am there, so no path) are not included
SELECT  name, cost, agg_cost  FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM table1',
    1,  6, true)
    JOIN table1_vertices ON (node = vid) ORDER BY seq;

SELECT  name, cost, agg_cost  FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM table1',
    1,  11, true)
    JOIN table1_vertices ON (node = vid) ORDER BY seq;

select end_vid, array_to_string( array_agg(name ORDER BY seq),','), array_agg(node ORDER BY seq)
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM table1',
    1,  ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], true)
JOIN table1_vertices ON (node = vid) GROUP BY end_vid;

El código siguiente genera la tabla a continuación.

end_vid  |                    array_to_string                    |  array_agg
       2 | Seatle,San Francisco                                  | {1,2}
       3 | Seatle,San Francisco,Las Vegas                        | {1,2,3}
       4 | Seatle,San Francisco,Los Angeles                      | {1,2,4}
       5 | Seatle,Denver                                         | {1,5}
       6 | Seatle,Minneapolis                                    | {1,6}
       7 | Seatle,Denver,Dallas                                  | {1,5,7}
       8 | Seatle,Minneapolis,Chicago                            | {1,6,8}
       9 | Seatle,Minneapolis,Chicago,Washington D.C.            | {1,6,8,9}
      10 | Seatle,Minneapolis,Chicago,Boston                     | {1,6,8,10}
      11 | Seatle,Minneapolis,Chicago,Washington D.C.,Nueva York | {1,6,8,9,11}
      12 | Seatle,Denver,Dallas,Miami                            | {1,5,7,12}
(11 rows)

Ejemplo de Boost Dijkstra

Con pgRouting puede traducir Código dijkstra en C++ en comandos SQL.

Código Boost

const int num_nodes = 5;
enum nodes { A, B, C, D, E }; = 1
char name[] = "ABCDE";
Edge edge_array[] = { Edge(A, C), Edge(B, B), Edge(B, D), Edge(B, E),
  Edge(C, B), Edge(C, D), Edge(D, E), Edge(E, A), Edge(E, B)
int weights[] = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 7, 3, 1, 1, 1 };

Aquí están los comandos SQL tranlasted.

Código Traducido

    id SERIAL,
    source INTEGER,
    target INTEGER,
    source_name TEXT,
    target_name TEXT,
    cost FLOAT
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1_vertices;
CREATE TABLE table1_vertices (
    vid SERIAL,
    name TEXT

INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('A');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('B');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('C');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('D');
INSERT INTO table1_vertices (name) VALUES ('E');

INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('A', 'C', 1);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('B', 'B', 2);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('B', 'D', 1);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('B', 'E', 2);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('C', 'B', 7);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('C', 'D', 3);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('D', 'E', 1);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('E', 'A', 1);
INSERT INTO table1 (source_name, target_name, cost) VALUES ('E', 'B', 1);

UPDATE table1
  SET source = table1_vertices.vid
FROM table1_vertices
WHERE source_name = name;

UPDATE table1 SET target = table1_vertices.vid
FROM table1_vertices
WHERE target_name = name;

-- Their output starts with 0 so we subtract 1 to the vid
-- pgrouting: no paths or 0 length (aka I am there, so no path) are not included
SELECT end_vid-1, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra(
    'SELECT id, source, target, cost FROM table1',
1, ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], true) where edge < 0 order by end_vid;

Salida de la ejecución del siguiente comando SQL:


?column?  | agg_cost
        1 |        6
        2 |        1
        3 |        4
        4 |        5
(4 rows)